There’s a change in the weather. I woke up to fog. A perfect morning for a hot cup of coffee.
After breakfast Annika and I headed to the nearby playing field for a walk. Continue reading
Tag Archives: walking
A Morning Walk
This morning I felt closed in. I usually spend part of each day outside in our garden enjoying the fresh air and sunshine we’ve come to expect in southern California. Continue reading
New Zealand Memories
I took this photo in Mount Maunganui New Zealand, two days before heading home to Southern California.There is a beautiful trail that leads around the mountain. The locals refer to it, as walking the mount. When I visited two years ago, there’d been a land slide, so it wasn’t possible to hike the entire trail, but this year it was open all the way around. As you can see, the scenery is gorgeous. I’m always amazed at how green and rugged it is.
Here is our nine year old grandson, Charlie who is like a little mountain goat and loves to climb.
Here you can see more of the rugged coastline as we continued along the trail. It was a wonderful hike, and it’s fun to look at the photos now that I’m home. They remind me of all the fun things I did during my three weeks in New Zealand.
Beautiful New Zealand Day!
This morning the rain stopped and the weather turned gorgeous. I decided to walk to the mall, which is an hour away. I was ready for some good exercise after being housebound for a couple of days. Above is one of the lovely houses on my daughter’s street. I love seeing the different architectural styles in New Zealand. Many of the homes have steel roofs in different colours.
When I saw this house I was transported back to my early childhood in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It reminds me so very much of the house my aunt, uncle, and cousins lived in before they moved to California in the late 50s. I just had to take a photo of it.I walked back home, another hour, and prepared my lunch. As you can see, it was a New Zealand/California combination. Cheese quesadilla, tea, and ginger biscuits. Not the healthiest, but It was yummy.!
Another Great Reason to Exercise
On my morning bike ride through our neighborhood I spotted this gorgeous tree. As usual I was carrying my camera and just had to get off my bike and take a photo. I know most of the country is still in the middle of winter, but we are having spring like weather, and our trees and plants are blossoming a little earlier than usual. I’m not fooling myself though, because it is only February and we might still be in for more rain and cooler days, but for now I’ll hang on to this beautiful weather.
This photo of the nearby playground was taken early in the day during one of my walks. It was so quiet and as you can see, I was the only one there. Exercise is wonderful for our health and well-being, but also a great excuse to get out and take some photos.