Haworthia fasciata in a Yellow Pot

This is one of the pups that I separated from the mother plant in March of 2020. I purchased the mother plant in 2017.

One reason Haworthia fasciata makes a great desk  or window sill plant, is because it’s  very slow growing. If you enter Haworthia fasciata into the search box on the Home Page you will learn more about this very easy to care for succulent. I hope you will take a look.

Mini Jade Plant Crassula Ovata



Mini Jade (Crassula Ovata) makes a wonderful desk plant. I found this little guy several months ago while searching the Home Depot succulent section in the garden department. Continue reading

An Outstanding Apple Tree to Grow in Southern California

Beverly Hills Apple tree with new leaves

A photography field trip to Oak Glen, California in October, 2016 started me wanting an apple tree of our own. I do believe that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, so I hoped to one day be able to go into the back yard and pick from our own tree. Continue reading

A Foggy and Damp California Morning

Foggy and damp definitely described the view out of the front window this morning. We  could barely see any of the neighborhood houses. I went into our family room and turned on the electric fireplace. You can see it below. I love the way it cozies up the room.

Next I went to the kitchen to make my morning cup of coffee, in my snowman mug.
Before long, the sun broke through and I  was out in the garden,  checking on my plants. Not long ago I showed you my flowering Thanksgiving cactus. Well, now it’s the day before Christmas, and my Christmas Cactus is very close to blooming. You can see it below.

It always amazes me to see how these plants know exactly what to do. I ‘m keeping the Christmas Cactus inside for a few days, so we can enjoy the beautiful color up close.