Wandering Dude-Tradescantia Zebrina

a Wandering Dude plant. Formerly know as a wandering Jew.
Wandering Dude is such a great plant, that I couldn’t wait to share it with you. My plant is still quite small, but large enough that you can see its potential. I started this plant and one other from two small cuttings  I received earlier this year. Continue reading

Hens and Chicks (Sempervivum tectorum)

Hens and Chicks, (Sempervivum tectorum) also known as House Leeks, are a fun and easy plant to grow indoors and out. They are considered a hardy succulent and make great container plants. Above you can see one that grows happily in my east facing  living room window. The main plant known as the hen, is roset shaped and produces many offsets or chicks around the central evergreen plant. Chicks are attached to the mother plant by underground runners. Continue reading