Roses in Our House

red,yellow,orange roses

Roses in our house always make me happy. I love their beauty, color, and scent. I recently picked these from my garden and placed them on the kitchen table, to enjoy while eating our meals.
yellow,red,orange roses
The orange rose is my Magic Lantern Tea Rose.
The red rose is my Trumpeter floribunda.
The yellow rose is Sun Flare. A lovely yellow floribunda.

The Trumpeter floribunda is my newest rose, but the Magic Lantern and Sun Flare have been in our garden for many years. I am sure they were planted in the 1980s. This made me wonder how long Rose bushes can live. I read that rose bushes can live six to ten years, but I know our rose bushes are much older than ten years. Apparently climbing roses can live fifty years. It’s no wonder I feel like our roses are part of the family. I hope you enjoy their beautiful color as much as I do. I would love to know how long you have had your rose bushes. Be sure to write and tell me.

The Coleus Plant, a Memory from My Childhood

The coleus plant was a favorite of mine when I was a young child. Looking back, I realize that I always loved plants. My Mom’s best friend in Canada, who lived across the street from us always grew coleus in her yard. I used to ask her for a piece and I would root it in water, then plant it in the backyard. In Canada, the coleus died off every winter, and that makes me wonder if our neighbor kept some plants indoors during the  winter months, or did she plant seeds the following spring? I have a very shady side garden, and I thought that the coleus would do well there. Continue reading