Monochrome Photography

black-and-white-down-the-roadI took this monochrome photo today, as we drove back to our camp ground. We are spending a few days in southern Utah, RVing in our 5th Wheel trailer. While studying my digital camera and the manual, I learned how to photograph in monochrome and  decided that today I would use this setting for all photos.

seeing-zionThe mountains in the far distance are part of Zion National Park. I get goose bumps just looking at this photo. Zion seems even more mystical in monochrome. These photos make me feel like I’m looking at photographs taken in the 1950s.

Ace-hardware-La-VercinWe made a stop at the local hardware shop, and if it wasn’t for the modern car, again I’d think I was looking at the 50’s

purse-and-Jeans-2This last photo is of my camera case resting on my lap. My jeans are dark blue and the case is chartreuse. It’s amazing how the monochrome setting works. I have a feeling I’ll  stay in this particular setting for at least another day, and then on to Sepia, I think.

Another Digital Camera Lesson


Yellow-and-orange-hibiscusYesterday I learned about the iA (Intelligent Auto) setting on my digital camera. Earlier today I took this photo of my neighbor’s hibiscus. I noticed the colorful flower as I turned into our driveway. As usual I had my camera with me, and couldn’t resist using it. The camera was in the auto intelligent mode, so I didn’t have to make any adjustments. before taking the picture. One of the advantages of this setting.

Later I decided to try out some of the other settings available on my Lumix digital. I started with the Sports mode. It’s recommended when taking pictures in bright daylight. This mode has a faster shutter speed to freeze action. I also practiced using the zoom lens.

I enjoy taking photos of wild birds and thought that the Sports mode might be a good choice to capture the action of the birds enjoying their late afternoon visits to the fountains  in our back yard.

Black-PhoebeThis is a Black Phoebe that visits our yard every afternoon.The zoom lens allowed me to take this photo from across the yard.

Bird-on-fountainHere is one of many finches that regularly drink from our fountains.

I’ll continue to read my manual and try different settings. I still have a lot to learn, but I am looking forward to learning. Today I used the Sports setting and the zoom lens, and I got a little more practiced at photographing wild birds in our yard. Having a camera in my hands certainly does make me take a closer look at the amazing world around me.Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Learning to Use my Lumix Digital Camera

camera-2Above you see my Lumix DMC-ZS40 Digital Camera by Panasonic. I bought this camera last year when I started my Plum Bird Corner blog. Photos are a large part of a blog, and I knew I’d need a camera that I could use for close up photography and distance shots as well. I was taking a photography class at the time and my instructor recommended the Lumix as a camera that would fit my needs. One of the advantages of this camera over my last one, is that the Lumix has both a view finder and a monitor display. You can see both on the photo below. I usually use the monitor, because it shows me exactly what I will see in the recorded photograph. If I’m taking photographs on a very bright day, it’s not always easy to see what is displayed on the monitor, so in this instance I use the view finder which can be adjusted to suit my vision.

Camera-1I’ve been very happy with my purchase, but today while looking at the manual, I realized that the Lumix does so much more than simple basics. I decided right then and there, to  start from the beginning of the manual and really get to know my digital camera.

Today I started by learning to use the  Intelligent Auto Mode or the iA Mode. In this mode the camera optimizes settings to match the subject and recording environment. It’s recommended for beginners, or if you’re in a situation where you want to be ready to take a photo quickly, without making adjustments to focus and exposure. Below you see two photos that I took in  iA mode. By the way, all digital cameras have a fully automatic mode.

Orange-hibiscusI’m very happy with this photo of our hibiscus. All I did was point and shoot. The camera did the rest. Next I photographed two pieces of ceramic green ware that I’m currently working on. Once more the camera did the work. I simply had to frame the image and press the shutter button..

praying-childrenI’m really looking forward to working my way through the manual and learning all there is to know about my Lumix DMCZS40. I’m hoping you’ll follow along with me as I learn and share. Perhaps you might learn something new and helpful about digital photography as well. I’d love to hear if you do.


Mystic Blue Salvia


In September I wrote about my mandevilla plant that had suffered terribly during an extreme heat wave that occured while we were away on vacation. I’d hoped to be able to return the previously beautiful plant to good health. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to save it, even after careful watering, and relocating it to a less sunny spot in the garden. The direct early morning sun was just too much for it. The plant had looked beautiful near our front door, but now the spot was vacant. I’d recently purchased a Mystic Blue Salvia to add to my hummingbird garden. It was doing well and growing nicely in a large container. I wondered how it would look by the front door in place of the mandevilla. As you can see in the photo above the Mystic Blue is doing very well in its new place and looks even prettier than the mandevilla. It is fuller and fills the area beautifully.
cropped-front-flower-2.jpgHere you see the mandevilla before our vacation. Both are lovely plants, but the salvia is a better choice for the spot. Most salvia prefer full sun, so will do better in our front garden, especially in the summer. I was very sorry to lose my beautiful pink mandevilla, but I’m very happy with the end result.

From New Zealand to Napa California


Last April I spent three weeks with our daughter who lives in New Zealand. While there I purchased this stove top espresso maker. I wrote about it in the posts titled Coffee in New Zealand, and Love my Stove Top Espresso Maker. One of the things I love about it,  is its portability. Above you see a photo I took while preparing a cup of espresso on the stove in our 5th wheel trailer, during a recent trip to Napa California.


Delicious espresso ready to enjoy. Another plus with the stove top espresso maker, is how quickly you can prepare a single cup of coffee, which I often do in the late afternoon. Our daughter recommended that I buy the stainless steel version rather than the aluminum variety which I did, even though it was a little more expensive. Being coffee lovers we also have a Keurig  coffee maker which uses pods, and we use it most days, but for size, flavor, and convenience, you just can’t beat a stove top espresso maker for a robust cup of coffee.