Christmas ornaments are usually bright and colorful and I can’t resist taking pictures. I took both of these photos in my aerobics class. Seeing the beautiful room this morning reminded me it is time to decorate at home.
Christmas ornaments are usually bright and colorful and I can’t resist taking pictures. I took both of these photos in my aerobics class. Seeing the beautiful room this morning reminded me it is time to decorate at home.
I love Macro Photography. I took the above photo with my smart phone. It’s a photo of the zipper on my favorite purse. I did do a little editing with the Snapseed editing app I keep on my iPhone. It is one of those unplanned photographs that I end up liking more than the planned ones I’ve taken.
Deep blue costume mask
The costume store was on my to do list yesterday. It’s almost Halloween and I thought I would look for something new to wear. Continue reading
Gratitude is what I felt as I walked in the garden this afternoon and discovered the Electric Blue Sage, a California native plant, and our orange miniature rose were both flowering. Their vibrant color always make my happy.
Roses in our house always make me happy. I love their beauty, color, and scent. I recently picked these from my garden and placed them on the kitchen table, to enjoy while eating our meals.
The orange rose is my Magic Lantern Tea Rose.
The red rose is my Trumpeter floribunda.
The yellow rose is Sun Flare. A lovely yellow floribunda.
The Trumpeter floribunda is my newest rose, but the Magic Lantern and Sun Flare have been in our garden for many years. I am sure they were planted in the 1980s. This made me wonder how long Rose bushes can live. I read that rose bushes can live six to ten years, but I know our rose bushes are much older than ten years. Apparently climbing roses can live fifty years. It’s no wonder I feel like our roses are part of the family. I hope you enjoy their beautiful color as much as I do. I would love to know how long you have had your rose bushes. Be sure to write and tell me.