The Aeonium Kiwi is a stunning succulent that is part of the Crassulaceae (stone crop) family. Continue reading
The Aeonium Kiwi, a Stunning Succulent
The Aeonium Kiwi is a stunning succulent that is part of the Crassulaceae (stone crop) family. Continue reading
Niguel Botanical Preserve isĀ only nine miles from our house, but we had never heard of it until two weeks ago. Last Saturday we took a scooter ride to have a look. Continue reading
The Hummingbird feeder bandit, otherwise known as the Hooded Oriole has been discovered. I wondered why the hummingbird feeders were emptying so quickly. Continue reading
Plumeria is cultivated as a shrub or small landscaping tree. It’s part of the dog-bane family and is native to tropical America, from Brazil to Mexico, and in the Caribbean. Continue reading
Summer Snap Dragons-Angelonia makes a beautiful addition to any flower garden, container or window box. Continue reading