Maine Snow Scene

Beautiful Snow Scene

It’s snowing in Maine. Our daughter Ruth lives there, and yesterday she sent me the above photo. She’s been encouraging me to come visit, and had promised they were not going to have snow this year. Guess that isn’t so!  I usually travel to Maine in summer, but maybe this winter I’ll get brave and try a snow visit. I lived in Ontario, Canada until I was fourteen, and the first snow was always exciting, but now, having lived most of my life in California, I’m out of practice. We do get snow here, but only at higher elevations.Farm house

Ruth’s farm house in Maine (above) is beautiful and cozy. Lots of trees and open space.

HorsesLiving where they do allows Ruth and our son-in-law and grandson the joy of keeping horses. Ruth and I share a love for horses, and we love to ride when I visit.

In August I wrote about our younger daughter Nicole, who lives in New Zealand, in my post New Zealand, a Wonderful Place to Visit. I wrote that we have wonderful places to travel and visit our children. Now you know where two of our three children live, and in a future post I’ll share the wonderful city where our son and daughter-in-law live. If we schedule visits to our three children right, we can live an endless summer. As we head into winter here, New Zealand is starting spring, its seasons being opposite to ours. But for now, I’ll think hard about a winter visit to Maine: It would mean snow boots and winter coat, but Ruth’s farm sure does look beautiful in winter.

A Walk Under Blue Sky

This photo and the one below were taken at the Sir Speedy corporate headquarters that sits across the road from my doctor’s office. I’ve always admired its clean architectural lines, and after our recent rain the blue sky and green grass accentuated the building more than ever.

Today I  went for my yearly physical, and my doctor encouraged me to get in a 30-minute walk at least five days a week. This has been my goal since last year’s physical, but it rarely fit into my schedule.  I’d often noticed the paths on the Sir Speedy grounds, so today I decided to walk up those paths. I say up, because the building sits on a hill and the paths are rather steep in places. I circled the building and enjoyed the grass and flowers for almost half an hour, and the walk back to my car completed the 30 minutes. I couldn’t help but wonder if employees inside the building could see me and wondered who it was walking on their company grounds. I followed doctor’s orders to do my half-hour walk, and also satisfied my curiosity about the paths surrounding Sir Speedy. I wonder where my walk tomorrow will take me.100_3536