Easy to grow, Kitten’s Ears (Cyanotis) seen above is Over 30 years old. If you are a garden lover, then you’ll understand why a plant like this feels like part of the family. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Gardening
Lantana in Butterfly and Hummingbird Gardens
Lantana is a wonderful addition to your garden for attracting both butterflies and hummingbirds. Last week while at the garden nursery looking at roses, I suddenly thought it would be nice to add some plants to the yard that would attract butterflies. A very helpful employee showed me many different plants, and told me that most plants that attract butterflies also attract hummingbirds. I was immediately attracted to the lantana with its many beautiful colors.
Lantana is considered a perennial in areas that don’t have hard frosts, but in colder climates, it’s treated as an annual.It grows well in both the ground and in containers, and is very popular because of its extended blooming season. I learned that In some areas it flowers all year round. This is the first time I’ve grown lantana in my garden, so I’m not sure how long we’ll have flowers. I’ll have to let you know.
Lantana should be planted in full sun, because it’s prone to mildew if grown in a shady location. It should be watered deeply, but not too frequently once established. Lantana is drought tolerant which is especially nice here in California. An occasional feeding of mild fertilizer is good, but too much water and fertilizer can actually cut down on bloom. As you can see from the above photos, I have four different colors in the garden. I brought home three last week and my husband surprised me yesterday with the lavender one in the top photo. I love all four colors and so do the butterflies. I’ve already noticed a few fluttering around the new plants, and I’m sure there will soon be more.
The Iceberg Floribunda Rose
The Iceberg Floribunda rose is the newest addition to our garden. I’ve fallen in love with floribunda roses, and went to our local garden nursery planning to buy one in pink, until I saw these gorgeous white flowers. Continue reading
Electric Blue Sage, a Drought Tolerant Plant
Electric Blue Sage (Salvia chamaedryoides) is a California native plant, and drought tolerant. The small bright blue flowers appear in the spring and continue until fall. The foliage is a peaceful gray-green and the electric blue sage is considered an evergreen perennial. It does well in full sun and partial shade. Mature plants grow 2-3 feet high and are 2-4 feet wide. The Electric Blue Sage is an attractive addition to the garden, year round.
Our Plumeria is Blooming
I’ve never been to Hawaii, but as I look at this photo which I took in our front patio area, I feel like I’m there. Continue reading