The Iceberg Floribunda Rose


The Iceberg Floribunda rose is the newest addition to our garden. I’ve fallen in love with floribunda roses, and went to our local garden nursery planning to buy one in pink, until I saw these gorgeous white flowers. A few weeks ago I bought a floribunda rose bush called Trumpeter, which has bright  orange-red blossoms. If you’d like to see it take a look at my previous post. The Trumpeter Floribunda Rose. You can see from the photo above, why the Iceberg won my heart and came home with me. Since then I’ve been on the internet learning more about this variety. It was hybridized in 1958 and is now one of the top ten roses in the world, and the best landscape white around. A real plus is that it doesn’t have many  thorns and is often used on walkways.  It’s very hearty and an easy rose to grow, but should be regularly fertilized with a good quality fertilizer.  We don’t have a white rose in our garden, so I’m very happy I chose this one. Its fragrance is described as mild honey, and it has an abundance of  medium sized flowers that form in clusters. Iceberg is  a prolific bloomer, producing flowers June through October, and I’m hoping even longer since we have mild winters in southern California.
One of the things I enjoy about blogging is that I’m constantly learning new things. While reading about the Iceberg rose, I learned how important it is to keep roses well hydrated. Insufficient irrigation can lead to salt build up in the soil, which is very harmful to all roses.  .  Plants growing in containers need even more frequent watering especially in hot summer months. My other roses will certainly benefit from some of what I’ve learned. Today my husband, Martin helped me re-pot the Iceberg in a  larger terracotta container. you can see our work below.  In a few weeks I’ll let you know how our newest floribunda is doing.


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