Day five means E is for Echeveria. Continue reading
Category Archives: Photography
C is for Chrysanthemum D is for Duck-Alphabet Photography Challenge
Yesterday I took a photo for the letter C, but never made it to my computer to post that photo. Today was day four of the photo challenge which meant the letter D. I have included two photos above, so now I am caught up. Considering I am home all day, social distancing, I seem to be very busy and the days go by quickly. I’ve been doing a lot of reading and staying in touch with friends and family. It was a gorgeous day here, so I spent a little time in the back garden. We had another visit from our wonderful friend who braved the super markets and brought us supplies. She delivers them to our front patio, and we all wear our masks and gloves, and stay far apart. We are so very grateful to her. Tomorrow is E for who know what? See you all tomorrow. Until then let’s work to stay healthy and positive.
Alphabet Photography Challenge
An Alphabet Photography Challenge seemed like a fun way to keep entertained while social distancing. Continue reading
Halloween Costume Store Colors

Deep blue costume mask
The costume store was on my to do list yesterday. It’s almost Halloween and I thought I would look for something new to wear. Continue reading
Fort Humboldt State Historic Park
Fort Humboldt was another fun and interesting historical site we visited while in Eureka, California this summer. Above is a photo of the surgeon’s house. It was so cozy, I wanted to move in. Below are a few more photos I took while exploring the fort. Continue reading