African Violet pup growing from the parent leaf. Continue reading
Category Archives: Gardening
Things That Made Me Happy on My Morning Walk
We are back to May Gray. Continue reading
Abstract Art Simplified
Abstract art is sometimes described as a departure from reality using shapes, forms, colors, and textures. Above is a macro photograph I took of a rose from my garden. It is one way I like to create abstract art. Below is a second photo I took of the same rose from a slightly different angle. Continue reading
Hummingbird Feeder Bandit
The Hummingbird feeder bandit, otherwise known as the Hooded Oriole has been discovered. I wondered why the hummingbird feeders were emptying so quickly. Continue reading
How to Care for and Grow Plumeria Plants
Plumeria is cultivated as a shrub or small landscaping tree. It’s part of the dog-bane family and is native to tropical America, from Brazil to Mexico, and in the Caribbean. Continue reading