The Portulaca Rio Grande Magenta

I brought my Portulaca, also known as the Moss Ross Flower, into the house this afternoon, for a grooming and shower. The portulaca blooms in summer and early fall, preferring light watering and a sunny exposure. It’s also drought tolerant, a real plus in southern California. Mine grows  in a plant pot, and is easy to move to a sunny location in the winter as the sun shifts its position. Portulaca is know as a hardy annual, but in most of California it grows like a perennial, lasting more than one season.

Sometimes I bring smaller plants inside as I did this morning. The only problem is that I sometimes bring in a hitchhiker like the little spider in the above photo. I hope you can see him in the middle of the picture. Don’t worry, I took him back outside when I returned the plant to its usual spot in the garden. Portulaca comes in a variety of colors and is a cheery addition to any garden.