Today’s Flower

           I love my daily walks here in New Zealand, and often see beautiful flowers, but rarely know their names. Above is yet another lovely blossom that I can’t name. I do want to share its vibrant color with you, even though I can’t supply you with a name.

Cruise Ship Departing Pilot Bay

It was another lovely evening in Pilot Bay, New Zealand , and I was quite shocked to see a huge cruise ship docked in the harbor. Completly fascinated,  I stood admiring  it for quite some time.

The sky was growing darker, when Suddenly there were three long blasts of the horn, and the ship slowly backed from the berth,  making its way out of the harbor. The huge vessel was both beautiful, and majestic as it moved away and disappeared into the night. This was a sight I will remember for a very long time.

After the Storm

Cyclone Cook is over, and the weather is beautiful. Took this photo of Pilot Bay New Zealand, this morning. A few days ago when I learned a cyclone was headed our way, I did not know what to expect, and was told it is the same as a hurricane in the United States.

A Blue Hydrangea in a New Zealand Garden

Blue hydrangea

This beautiful blue hydrangea is growing next to my daughter’s driveway. The Auckland, New Zealand area has had more than its share of rainfall this year. It appears that the local gardens loved it. I was curious to know why I see so many blue hydrangea flowers here. Apparently it’s  because of the acidity of the soil in  this area. When soil is more alkaline, pink flowers are produced. In our area of Southern California there is an abundance of pink blossoms, so I am really enjoying the blue.