A Beautiful Sunrise

Most mornings I get up early, before the sun, to write in my journal. I sit facing a large window that allows me to see the sunrise. This morning, It looked like we were in for a beautiful one, and I was right. I quickly grabbed my camera and went out to the front patio and this is what I saw. It was a very exciting start to a new day.

Not long after, a work crew arrived to take down the pine tree you see above. I was sad, because that tree had been in our yard since the late 70s. It was one of our earliest Christmas trees. I felt like I was losing a friend. The reason we’d made this decision, was because the roots were lifting our stone wall, and cracking the sidewalk. The roots were also raising the ground behind our house making it difficult for water to flow to the drainage area. I posted a photo of the problem in a previous post. It was definitely time to have the tree removed.tree-is-gone
Here you can see what our yard looks like now. It certainly is different. We aren’t quite sure what the new plan will be. Perhaps a huge hummingbird garden, or several grouping of ragweed for the Monarch butterflies. For now we will think about it, and once it  is completed, I’m sure I’ll be posting a photo.