A Day at Bowers Museum

Bowers Museum entrance
Earlier this week, we spent a day at Bowers Museum in Santa Ana, California. The weather was gorgeous and we enjoyed the museum grounds as well as the many indoor exhibits.
Gold Earrings. Bowers Museum exhibit
These gold earrings were part of the Spirits and Headhunters:Art of the Pacific Islands exhibit. Each earring is approximately the size of a hand.
The photo below shows items that were used as currency. They are part of the same exhibit. currency exhibit Bowers Museum. Beeds and shells

Some of the grounds surrounding the Bowers Museum. I’m so glad that the weather was beautiful and we were able to enjoy the outdoors as much as the indoors.

My dear hubby at the end of the day taking a break and checking out the photos he’d taken on his iPhone.

How to Water African Violets

African Violet plant in flower

I woke early this morning and was reading a book on container gardening that I’d borrowed from the library. One of my favorite places to hang out by the way. When I got to the section on proper watering, It said how watering from above is a good idea because it removes harmful salts that build up when plants are grown in containers. Continue reading