The Beauty Around Us

flu shot flower

It’s that time of year again,  so last Friday I went to my doctor for my annual flu shot. As I walked to her office, I looked down and saw this beautiful flower looking up at me. I walked on, but then stopped and retraced my steps. Now that I’m in a photography class, I always have my camera with me, so I quickly snapped a couple of photos, then continued on my way. Being a photography student makes me take more time to study my world. I’m always on the look-out for something to photograph.

Recently I noticed four bluebirds that routinely visit our yard around dusk. They take their evening bath in our fountains. I’m not sure what a group of bluebirds is called, so I checked the internet, and the best answer I found was “a flock”. I also read that bluebirds don’t usually travel in a flock, which is certainly not true of our visitors. I was able to photograph one as he sat on the edge of our bird bath. This beatiful fellow is more proof that we should take time to see and enjoy the beauty that’s all around us!
