My Sunflower Gone too Soon

My first sunflower to blossom this year.  I took the above photo on July 10th, and below is a closeup of the same flower.

I grew this plant from seed and there are several more that were planted later in the spring, getting ready to open.
sunflower drying at the end of the season

It’s hard to believe, but I took this 3rd photo today. It’s been a very hot summer so far, and this first sunflower did not last as long as they usually do. I gave it plenty of water, but it was a short season for this beauty. I am sad to see it dry up so quickly.

The only good news, is that once this flower is completely dried, I will be able to harvest many seeds, for next year’s crop. That is unless the local birds beat me to them. I will then store the seeds safely away until next spring.

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