Spanish Moss

Spanish Moss

Spanish Moss is a plant that often grows on large trees in tropical and subtropical climates.

While on a bike ride in Florida, our son spotted some Spanish Moss laying by the roadside. He gathered it up, and took it home, where he soaked it in a bucket of water. Next he hung the plant on a fence. You can see it above.
I did not know anything about Spanish Moss, so did some research. I learned that Ted did exactly the right thing.
Spanish Moss Is dependent on humidity and should be watered once a week during warm weather, or every two weeks in winter. Occasionally it loves a good soaking in a bucket of water. After approximately fifteen minutes, remove it from the container and  shake off excess water. You can also use a spray bottle to emulate humidity when needed.

I wondered if you can grow Spanish Moss indoors. Apparently the answer is yes. Best grown in a hanging basket or on a window sill where it can hang down. It likes bright indirect lighting.

Spanish Moss does not grow in soil, so it’s very important to keep it moist. If you want to grow this plant in your home, you should purchase it at a nursery. Bringing Spanish Moss in from the wild, might introduce insects into your home.

After learning about this unusual plant, I can’t wait to go to our local nursery and see if they sell it there. I will let you know if I find some, and also keep you up to date on our son’s find.

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