A Fabulous Day

Red roses

Please forgive the whining in yesterday’s post. If you happened to read it, you know that we had just learned our cleaning lady was no longer going to be cleaning houses. After talking it over, we have decided not to replace her, which means we need a schedule. Yesterday I told you my number one rule, which is even more important now that Rachelle has retired.

Rule  number one is Never Leave a Room Untidy.  In other words, everything in its place. Today I added rule number two.  Do a walk through the house when you first get up, quickly tidying if necessary.  I really do believe there are elves that sneak around the house at night, dirtying dishes and moving items around. There always seems to be something to pick up in the morning. Please don’t think I’m fanatical, because I’m not.  Honestly, I just enjoy a tidy home. I feel so much more relaxed.

Today I followed my number one rule and it worked beautifully. I accomplished so much, including time in the garden where I found these gorgeous blossoms on our Don Juan climbing rose. I also potted more marigolds. It really was a fabulous day. I realize that most households do not have someone come in and help with cleaning. Truthfully I felt guilty at times. I used to clean the house and work outside of the home, so I am certainly able to do it again. Maybe this isn’t the place to talk about this, but I hope that what I do may help others looking for a way to keep their houses clean, tidy and organized. I hope we might learn together. Tomorrow, Rule Three.

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